Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Steps Up with Version 6.2.8 for WordPress 6.5

Hey there! If you’re busy managing or updating your WordPress site, here’s some exciting news. Advanced Custom Fields, also known as ACF, has just released its PRO version 6.2.8. This update is a big deal, especially since WordPress 6.5 is just around the corner. ACF 6.2.8 comes packed with features that work well with WordPress 6.5.

What does it mean?

Let’s break it down. The 6.2.8 update makes ACF ready for WordPress 6.5’s new features, like Block Bindings to the Interactivity API. Simply put, these updates let you enhance your WordPress blocks with ACF data, making your site more dynamic and interactive.

A standout feature is the Block Bindings API. It’s a new addition to WordPress that allows ACF data to interact with the attributes of WordPress core blocks. Imagine updating a paragraph block’s content using the current value of an ACF field called `paragraph`. Pretty cool, right?

Also, the update improves security. It adjusts how HTML escaping is handled in Select2 to prevent XSS attacks. ACF 6.2.8 adds a `select2_escape_markup` JS filter that you can use if you need to adjust this behavior.

Is there anything you should do about it?

Yes. If you use ACF and WordPress, upgrading to ACF 6.2.8 will ensure your site is compatible with the latest features of WordPress 6.5. This upgrade is not just for staying current; it’s about using these new tools to make your site better.

For those who like digging into code, checking out the Block Bindings API might open up new possibilities for your site. And for those focused on security, learning about the new Select2 HTML escaping changes is key.

Feeling overwhelmed by these updates and technical terms? Having a reliable wordpress developer can help. They can guide you through these updates, ensuring your site is not only compatible but also benefits from the new features.

For all the details on ACF 6.2.8, check out their official announcement. It has everything you need to know about how this update affects your WordPress site.

And remember, optimizing your site’s SEO or ensuring your ads are effective is easier with a great SEO agency or PPC company by your side. Stay updated, stay ahead.

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Erez Kanaan Founder & CEO
Erez Kanaan is passionate about the latest tech in advertising as he is about family game nights. As a dad, husband, and the brains behind Kanaan & Co., he’s all about mixing innovation with personalization.