Revving Up Google Ads with Editor Version 2.6

Barry Schwartz at SERoundtable just dropped some interesting news about the latest update to Google Ads Editor, moving it up to version 2.6. The jump from version 2.5 isn’t just a small hop; it’s more of a leap, especially if you’re in the trenches managing PPC campaigns.

What Does it Mean?

This new version introduces a handful of features that could be game changers. Among the standout functionalities are:
– Migration of Display ads to Performance Max campaigns, making transitions smoother.
– Creation and management of experiments in Performance Max to better compare campaign performances.
– Added support for Suggested fields in the “Add Responsive Display ad” recommendation, helping to create ads that are likely more effective right out of the gate.
– Introduction of Reserve CPM bidding strategy and multi-asset responsive video ads, expanding the versatility of your ad formats.
– Enhancements to handle system-paused ad groups and inline audiences better, providing more control over your campaigns.

Why You Should Care?

If you’re digging into the weeds of managing ads, this update is aimed to make your life easier. The migration tools and the addition of experiments can help you optimize campaigns in ways that weren’t as straightforward before. Plus, the new ad features and bidding strategies open up fresh avenues to catch your target audience’s attention, potentially improving your ROI.

Is There Anything You Should Do About It?

Yep, there’s a bit of homework:
1. Consider whether any of your current Display campaigns could benefit from a switch to Performance Max. This could be a smart move if you’re looking for improved performance.
2. Explore the new experiment features. Testing is a cornerstone of effective PPC management, and now it’s even easier to compare different campaign types head-to-head.
3. Dive into the new ad features and bidding strategies. The multi-asset responsive video ads, in particular, could be a powerful tool if you’re using video content.

As tech evolves, staying on top of updates like these can keep your campaigns on the leading edge. While it might seem like a lot to take in, these changes are all about making the Google Ads platform more intuitive and powerful for users like you.

For a more detailed dive into everything version 2.6 has to offer, head on over to Barry’s post on SERoundtable.

And while you’re optimizing your PPC efforts, keep in mind that SEO strategies often complement paid ad campaigns. Staying current with both can help maximize your digital marketing impact. To explore how SEO can synergize with your paid ads, check out our SEO services.

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Erez Kanaan Founder & CEO
Erez Kanaan is passionate about the latest tech in advertising as he is about family game nights. As a dad, husband, and the brains behind Kanaan & Co., he’s all about mixing innovation with personalization.